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The Internet is a large and complex aggregation of network hardware connected together by transmission gateways on diverse backbones across the globe enabling your website to be available globally, 24 hours a day.

Looking for the perfect partner to host your website? Whether you are a private individual, a small business or a large corporate company, NICE offers you the ultimate in affordable hosting services. With various hosting packages available on some of the fastest and most reliable servers available, NICE is truly your partner on the World Wide Web.

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Sun Microsystems


As an user, you enjoy the same privileges and capabilities as a major corporation-without the headaches and costs associated with setting up and supporting your own web and e-mail servers.
Because we are not associated with the Internet Service Provider (ISP) you use for internet access, you can change providers at any time - without moving your web site, suffering costly down time or disrupting service to, or changing your company's e-mail addresses.

Photo: Web HostingSUPER FAST

You simply can't get faster access to the internet. Modem connection is only part of the picture. Your customers will have the FASTEST connection there is to your site. That means they're less likely to surf right past your page because it's taking too long to download.

Not only are we fast, but we are reliable, with a track record of less than 0.0004% of downtime in the last year. That's pretty amazing and we're proud of our data center. Our babies are manned by a team of technical and security staff, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year.  Our machines are intelligent -- your website is backed up continuously with redundant server hardware (that means if machines or lines fail, other machines and lines automatically take over and your site stays up and running). Our servers keep working, even in a fire, with a zoned gas-based system.

Get the picture? We're fast and we keep running.
For more information email us
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Our Windows Web Site Hosting Plans run on Windows 2000 Server







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